Prophetic Word: Armenia's Inheritance
On June 6th, 2020, while in prayer with brothers and sisters and when declaring Isaiah 49 over the Armenian nation, I received the following message from the Lord regarding Armenia and the Armenian people's calling and destiny:
In the spirit, I saw a railroad that originates from Armenia and goes towards the East, and God said "Armenia is a station" (like a train station). When God said that, I got the understanding that the inheritance given to Armenia from the beginning has been to become the station from where the mission goes towards the Far East. God said that this is an untapped treasure, and throughout history, we've only seen a glimpse of it. There have always been attacks from the enemy on Armenia, starting from the earliest days with so many kingdoms, nomadic tribes, barbaric people invading Armenia to prevent Armenia to fulfill this calling and mission. Armenia has always stayed in a battered and defensive state. God revealed to me that He has kept Armenia to this day because it is very essential for Armenia to play its role as a 'station' for the advancement of the Kingdom (while many other neighboring ancient nations have gone extinct or are left without a country of their own).
God said that Armenia is a gatekeeper. When the Armenian nation awakens to the inheritance and authority, and start using it, Armenia will come out of the bondage of simply surviving and use its full potential in the Lord. Armenia will no longer be preoccupied with demanding compensation and rights but will come to the full knowledge of the eminence of her calling (Armenia's authority concerns that of a gatekeeper or holder of the key to the gate to the East).
The Lord said "I place before you a new era", and the next generation will be distinguished by new breath and will have a different worldview towards her own nation, calling, and role among the nations. It will be very different than what we've seen in the past.
I also saw a partnership between Armenia and India, and I saw Armenia reaching many other nations (like Indonesia, Korea, and others) through this partnership. Armenia will play a key role, a strategic role in the expansion of the Kingdom in those nations. This is the inheritance of Armenia.
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