Do you want to be inspired ?

What is inspiration? Can it be defined? Contained? Observed? Or even noticed?
In Armenian, the Bible is called "Asdvadzashountch" which means "Breathed by God" or "Inspired by God" (2Tim3:16).

When God created man he blew his breath in man and man became alive (Gen2:7). When inspired, man is in a state that is above all other known states such as: drunk, high, horny, tired, happy, mad, motivated, crazy...

When inspired, man is in a special relationship with God and he is in the exact same state as Adam was when he was still in the Garden of Eden, living life as was intended from the beginning.

Is man free when he is inspired? Yes, I believe he is. Since God created man in His own image(Gen1:27), it is only right to conclude that man is free just as his Creator is free. Furthermore, man was free to eat from all the trees (that's freedom!) except for one which was also put there as a result of man's freedom (Gen2:16-17).

Man was free to disobey and even hate his Creator and choose to live separated from Him. And he did just that (Gen3:6).

Inspiration gives birth to works that are different from the fruit of man's work (Gen2:15). The work of our hands is based on human effort and sweat (Gen3:19). The fruit of the Spirit is good, right and true (Eph 5:9).

Inspiration only comes by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Joel2:28-29). Man lost the Holy Spirit after refusing to live in obedience and choosing to live a life separated from God, so God took His Holy Spirit out of man since He was not welcome and could not reside in a vessel that was infected by sin and destined to die (Rom6:23).

The good news is that God did not desert man despite what he had done. He immediately gave man the promise of redemption and victory over Satan (Gen3:15).

This was planned from the beginning when the Trinity decided to send the 2nd person, the Son to earth (1Pet1:20) to become flesh, live a life without sin, die on the cross and rise to send the Holy Spirit back to all those who believe in Him.

When Jesus was baptized, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove (Mt3:16). He was baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit and was ready to start his mission.

Are you ready to receive the Holy Spirit? Do you want to be inspired? (Acts8:15)

There's only one way: to believe in the sacrifice God made for you so that you can have eternal life (John3:16). There is only one way (John14:6), only through faith in the One who was sent to grant you that inspiration (Rom5:1) which will redeem you and make you victorious over Satan just as God had originally promised.

Are you ready to start your mission? Are you ready to start your Life? It doesn't matter how old, healthy, rich or famous you are.

If you believe in the Son, you will have eternal life and God will indwell your mind, body, and soul eternally.

It's up to you.

Do you want to be inspired?

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