The Apostle is a Father

On Tuesday 21st of September, 2010 at 1:30 pm, while in prayer with brothers and sisters in ministry, I saw the Atlantic Ocean and it wasn’t very steady. I saw the American continent on the other side. I saw ships crossing the ocean and approaching the shore. The Lord said: “The way is clear” and He revealed to me that leaders from our church will start going on mission trips soon. The Lord was driving the ship and He said: “I am the one who leads”.

I saw the ships arriving to the shore and releasing their anchors. People were jumping off the ships in a very excited and impatient manner and they were running into the land.

I saw a vast sandy field where starving orphans were sitting on the ground, each one alone. They were dark skinned and in the 8-10 age group.

The Lord gave us the opportunity to test ourselves and see how many orphans we were willing to adopt. I saw God the Father smiling. He had adopted all of us and we were His joy.

I saw that scene again, where people were rushing out of the ships with great excitement. The Lord said: “Many have great desire, but few are willing to be fathers”.

I saw people standing in line and approaching to receive orphans in their arms and there were people handing over orphans to them. I could sense that each child had tremendous worth and value, it was as if a treasure was being handed over.

The Lord said: “The apostle is a father, before being anything else”.

I could feel the pain in the Father’s heart.

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