
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test." (2 Cor 13:5-6)
Sample Test:
  1. I examine my devotion, my part of the New Covenant conditions.
  2. I yield to no one but Christ.
  3. I do not share my feelings of complaint or discontent with no other person but lay them only before the feet of Jesus in prayer.
  4. I submit myself to authority, as if to Christ Himself.
  5. I receive discipline with joy and thanksgiving, as it comes from my Father in heaven and is an expression of His love for me.
  6. I resent all sort of emotional disturbance while receiving discipline, as it is an act of rebellion from my self or ego.
  7. I prefer rejoicing in reproach, rather than in praise.
  8. I despise the slightest feeling of satisfaction that comes from pride, selfishness and rebellion and immediately submit it to Christ in repentance.
  9. I love people without expecting respect or love in return.
  10. I seek to become a person who loves and serves, instead of a person who speaks and shows off.
  11. I seek the voice of God and endeavor to do all it takes to receive it.
  12. In order to keep my self nailed to the Cross, I examine myself daily and make sure the nails are well tight. I rejoice in this, as I maintain myself identified with Christ.
  13. I dwell on what to do for others in order to serve them better.
  14. I plan and execute all that the Lord puts in my heart to uplift His Church and reach the lost with the Gospel.
  15. I love the Lord with my behavior and intents of my heart.
  16. I worship Him alone, as my heart rejoices in no other object of adoration.
One of the keys to becoming more like Christ is to be convinced that self-examination is an ongoing and never ending process. Otherwise, we will grow weary and tired because of disappointment and give up somewhere along the path.

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