An Encounter with your Destiny

We seek God for His will. We also enter into His will through intercession. We stand here between heaven and earth and call down the heavenly.

The difference between us now and us in eternity is hidden in the truth. Since Christ IS the truth and since Christ lives in us. We need to seek deep in our spirits for the revelation of that truth. We need to discover who we REALLY are in Christ. 

Some mistakenly rely on their minds and intellect in order to achieve this goal, but I believe it is a spiritual journey, meaning a journey in the spirit, one that will take us on a ride into the deep places of the spirit with the Spirit of God, in order to discover our true identity and enjoy breakthrough and real freedom.

I believe standing in our proper place in the body of Christ, exactly where we are supposed to be, will generate an influx of heavenly power and blessing, which cannot be compared to anything in the natural realm.

God is full of graces and He has blessed us beyond measure. We are blessed with all the blessings in the heavenlies IN CHRIST (Eph 1:3). It is so crucial to discover and be aware of who we are in Christ, but moreover to be active and capable of using those graces in a dynamic way. In other words, in ways which position us in the will of God, intercessing and pulling down the heavenly with force and power to destroy the works of the enemy and build the Kingdom of our Father in the exact area which concerns our gifting and calling.

In mainstream Christianity, We hear so many debates on what grace is and what being IN CHRIST means. I have come to discover that real freedom is not only freedom from sin and bondage, but real freedom is an all out attack on the enemy. True freedom is being available to God and being used in the supernatural, tearing down strongholds and reclaiming what is rightfully Christ's. 

Your Kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth, as it is in Heaven.

These words are crying out "WAR". That's how I see it now. It is a call to attack with all that's in the grace of God given us freely and abundantly.

There's a constant struggle in every Christian open to the Spirit of God. We all yearn to be free to do more for God. We have this drive to grow, to expand, to multiply, to invade. We are everchanging and moving from glory to glory until we enter eternity. Any attempt to limit this urge will throw the believer out of balance and into the deep and dark pit of defeat and deception. The grace of God is all we have... We can't afford to blink. We love Jesus too much. That's why we keep our eyes fixed, fixed on Him,  fixed on the prize, fixed on the glory.

You know how there are golden moments in a game of soccer or basketball, where the opportunity to score seems too good to be true and to grab that opportunity at that very moment seems like an encounter with your destiny? That's exactly what it is like! To be there... To pull that "trigger"... In that perfect moment... And make history. We were created for a purpose... How sweet it is to fulfill it! To Him be all the praise and glory! Our awesome and victorious God.

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