Persecution: bitter and mean,
unmerciful evil scheme
You keep me close to my resolution.
You keep me warm in my Lord's bosom.
Persecution for the next level.
I see you approach like a black sparrow.
You bring bad news mistakenly.
Because glory ascends unexpectedly.
Resurrection for those who cling
to the power of the Cross and sing:
Glory, glory... Glory to the King,
He who raises the dead to bring:
Resurrection,! Resurrection!
Glorious, eternal... salvation!
It is my nation who stays wondering.
Soon He will come. Soon, He will bring!
unmerciful evil scheme
You keep me close to my resolution.
You keep me warm in my Lord's bosom.
Persecution for the next level.
I see you approach like a black sparrow.
You bring bad news mistakenly.
Because glory ascends unexpectedly.
Resurrection for those who cling
to the power of the Cross and sing:
Glory, glory... Glory to the King,
He who raises the dead to bring:
Resurrection,! Resurrection!
Glorious, eternal... salvation!
It is my nation who stays wondering.
Soon He will come. Soon, He will bring!