Before the Foundation of the Earth
God created you before the foundation of the earth (Eph 1:4). He had you in His mind before time ever existed. He predestined you to be who you are before there were Adam and Eve. Him being Him meant you being you in Him. He formed you and had you all designed and perfected. He was always excited about you. He always rejoiced over you. He was always excited about actually witnessing your birth and life on earth because He knew that it was only in your completely free will that He would have the chance of truly experiencing a love relationship with you, receiving your sincere love and worship in return to His love.
To make this possible after the fall, it cost Him everything He had. He knew it would cost Him that, but He thought about you and was excited about you in the beginning anyway. He didn't just love you. He loved you in spite of your sins and the sins of the world, in spite of the price of the blood of His only begotten Son (1 Pet 1:20). Your life is hidden in Him and is only revealed for the glory of the One who loved you so, who loved all of so ... (John 3:16)
God spoke to me about a sister and I sent this message to her this morning. The message, although very personal, revealed so much about who God is and especially how and why He intervenes in our lives the way He does.
This was the message God put in my heart to deliver to her: "I feel a powerful anointing is on the way in your life. it is coming like a huge wave from afar. It will approach whatever you are facing and wreck it violently. God will judge your enemies and you will witness His mighty hand in action. God wants you to know that you are loved and you are his little girl. God is hurt when you are hurt. He wants you to keep your heart from hurting and trust in him, keeping your joy and peace in Him. Something in you will be broken and this will be an act of God. He will break a facade or a shell covering the sweetness hidden in your soul, so that he may truly enjoy you or delight in you! Prepare yourself for a mighty move. You will be a different person, or to put it more correctly: you will be the real you! God bless you."
God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah and told him "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jer 1:5)
Although Jeremiah was hesitating looking at his youth and lack of abilities, God refused that type of talk and immediately showed Jeremiah what he is capable of in Him and immediately Jeremiah started to prophesy to the nations and His gift, calling and purpose were made manifest for the glory of God.
God speaks to us today in every event that we are going through. He wants to remind us of who we are in Him. God works in us through the Holy Spirit every day to bring us to the likeness of who we really are in Him, which was revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ, the hope of our glory (Col 1:27).
I pray that you are encouraged to approach Him with a sincere heart and allow Him to delight in you. I pray that the blood of Jesus can speak loud and clear about your personal needs. I pray that the Father's rejoicing is made manifest through your gifting and miracles, by the power and seal of the Holy Spirit. I pray that a new day may dawn on you and the love of God may make you pregnant with His purposes for your life. God bless you.