The Father's Blessing

My eldest 4 year old daughter, Sanan, was very sick and had high fever for 4 days. My wife called and told me that she was taking her to the hospital. I left work early to meet them in the emergency room. I found her weak but happy to see me. The doctor said that there was nothing to worry about. It was just a viral infection in the throat and that she should eat and drink. The problem was that she was refusing to eat because of the pain in her throat.

I don't know why but I had this idea to take her out for lunch and I asked her if she would like that. She said "yes!". That evening she ate more than half a pizza and regained her strength!

I have something that is weighing heavily on my heart and I want to share that with you. It is about what we, as fathers, are called to do and to be in a weak and fallen society. I experienced something that day. That day, I felt God closer than I had during the preceding weeks of ministry on the mission field. That day, I felt the Father's heart beat in mine.

We are called to heal this generation. Our presence and availability is enough. Christ said: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). He also said: "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves." (John 14:10-11)

The world is in great need of the presence of the Father. Philip had told Jesus that seeing the Father would be sufficient. The prodigal son decided to return to his father and to become a servant, because to be in the mere presence of the father would be enough. Satan does everything to destroy the image of the father and fatherhood altogether, by so many means in our present world.

I wish I could find words to describe what God reveals to me concerning the fatherhood of every believer in Christ. Let me tell you the rest of the story...

That night after we returned home. I spent some time with my younger son and daughter and put them to bed. As I was saying "goodnight", my daughter looking with deep affection and admiration into my eyes, asked me: "daddy, do you love me the most?". I replied: "Sanan, I love all three of you equally". I shut the lights and closed the door. Something happened right there and then. I realized that she was blessed and loved differently that day and she had realized that. God had used me as an instrument to heal and bless my daughter. We had prayed so many times for healing but it was that act of obedience to what the Father had nudged me to do, or rather intervened to do through me and through my fatherly authority, that had blessed her to the extent that she could only comprehend what had happened as a very special favor from my part as her father.

I want to say to you, who are reading this, that the Father God loves you with a special favor or with what the Bible calls "grace". This "grace", this healing "grace" has a name. His name is Jesus. If you would seek the Father, you will find this grace right there to take you straight to the heart of the Father, where all the healing takes place.

Whether you are a Christian or not, and whether you feel yourself deserving or not, I want to tell you that our Father God desires to touch you in a deep and radical way.

And whether you are a Christian or not, if you are a father, you are made in the heavenly Father's image and you have so much to offer to the world around you. I want to encourage you to be open and daring to take radical steps, as the heavenly Father leads you in your heart. God bless you!

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