Freedom Fighters
I was raised in a system that promoted worldly freedom and mundane ideals. My heavenly Father reached out to me and started transforming me back into the likeness of His image so that I can become truly free, not pretending to be free through rebellion, but free just as He is free. Only the gospel has the liberating ability to set men radically and completely free: free from sin, free from bondage, free from fleshly desires, free from fear and hate, free from deception, free from our ego and free from the temporal.
For those who still wonder why I keep rambling about this faith stuff, the answer is very simple. I'm on a mission to set the captives free. I am your enemy's worst nightmare. I'm here to annoy the hell out of him until only one thing is left: Christ in you! That's what He does in me and drives me to do in the people around me. I am your best friend and your worst enemy, depending on who you want me to be.
Jesus said: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free" (Luke 4:18)
Isn't it weird how we can be fooled into believing that we are freedom fighters while that same "freedom" becomes our oppressor? Jesus said that the devil is the father of lies and when we buy into them, we allow the devil to become our father, as we pledge allegiance to him.
Freedom is found only in the image of God. Adam was created completely free and was given the choice to even walk away from God. In Christ, we enjoy the same freedom, and even more...
The difference is that we now have an enemy who despises us and attacks us, because we have willingly chosen to leave him and join God's family and we have a God drawing us closer to him by his wonderful grace, as we remember His unconditional sacrifice daily in so many areas of our lives.
We are the true freedom fighters. We, the Church, have the true liberating message and power!
We are oppressed, but we keep our joy. We are despised, but we can still love our enemies. We are made fun of but we do not humiliate. We are the hope of this world. God's militant army, armed with His supernatural love. We have unending hope. We have real endurance. Our Father is our strength. His love keeps us strong. His gifts enable us to reach out to others. We are here for you! We are sent by God. We are the Church, God's sons and daughters. We will bring change to this world!