Full of Grace and Truth

"Are you envious because I am generous?" (Mt 20:16)

The parable of the workers in the vineyard serves as a life-changing reality check to all who are in ministry.

One of the direct consequences of sin is pride; something we should all be careful of, because what it does is that it gives us the idea that we are entitled to think of ourselves, allow ourselves some rights which are not really ours. Furthermore, pride will cover our spiritual eyes, and we will start to see God as our enemy. The reason behind this is that, like it was with Lucifer; the God of the Trinity, the God of equality, the God of respect, love and surrender does no longer feel worthy of worship, as He comes in the way of us worshiping the God of force, slavery, violence, ego and selfishness.

Our relationship with the Lord is always put to check in ministry and that is one of the primary reasons why Christians should be involved in ministry, no matter what the cost. It is better for our sins to be exposed, and it is better for us to repent, than to remain in them and face God's judgement.

Who do we worship? Some may answer: "the God of the Bible, of course!". But, who is He? And who we are in relation to Him? If we are envious because He is generous, then we have a serious problem. Why? Because Jesus continues to say that we will be the first who will become last!

I do not want to end up like that, and I do not mean to say that I am under condemnation or guilt when I say this. I am sincerely concerned about my salvation. I know it cost my beautiful God, the precious blood of the Son, for me to inherit all of eternity. I do not want anything to deprive me, humanity, and eternity from it.

‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’ (Mt 20:12)

The thing that the first workers failed to realize or had forgotten is that this landowner or this God is a God of equality. He is equal in His very being, in the very core of His existence. He is three in one, three persons equally God, and yet one. He is a God of grace and generosity, who forgives and forgets... but also despises sin and condemns it, as it is contrary to His loving kindness, immeasurable grace and generosity.

To remain grateful, to remain in awe of His grace, requires a level of sincerity and humility, which we should never lose. It can only be sustained when we are truly in union with Him. The only possible way to be sincere and humble, is to be in a relationship and in union with THE one who is humble in His very being. To remain the last is to take no credit. To remain the last is to realize how amazing is His grace every single second. To remain the last can only make us the first by Him.

Envy is how violence began (Ezekiel 28:16). Truth is what puts an end to it. In Jesus, we find truth, that reveals the Father and the very essence of the Trinity. Only that can humble us.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. " (John 1:14)

In the verses 13 to 15, this beautiful and gracious God humbles himself to explain to our rebellious characters why he is entitled to do as he wills with all that he has, especially since he does no one injustice, not that He needs to justify himself, but to bring us to repentance through his loving kindness. Because the real problem here has nothing to do with justice, but with pride and envy.

As we go into the fields of our master's vineyard, let us remember that we are the workers who make the joy of our Lord reach the masses. We should find our strength and joy in Him, as we go on with our service. Let us fix our eyes to the heavenly places where Christ is seated, on the right side of the Father, where our lives are hidden, in union with the God of Trinity (Col 3:1-4), who was from the beginning with God, God of God, light of light. In Him, there is no shadow, no sign of darkness, but pure light and freedom. Blessings!


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