Sent Out Ones
Jesus is the chosen one. He is the Christ. God chose us in Him. Our salvation is the fruit of His work on the cross. His work for us is finished. In Him, we are ALL that the Father intended for us. In Him, we are in the Beloved, in the very bosom of the Father. In Him, we cry Abba/ Father for the sake of all humanity, who are also included in the work of salvation. We stand in the gap for them as King/priests for the sake of their inclusion in Him. His work in us and through us is what the Bible calls grace, which is not of our doing or willing, but totally His! We are the ones sent out. We are the first fruits. We are the generals in His army, carrying the emblem of love, leading the Church towards hell's gates, with the victory already ours! apostles and prophets, ambassadors on conquest, to captivate people's hearts with the powerful love of God. God bless you!