The Journey of Love
If we don't become vulnerable to the point of breaking, collapsing, sinking, falling, doubting, dispairing, we can never allow ourselves to be tempted, to walk in the valley of the shadow of death, to be with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane sweating blood, to be bruised and hurt willingly, because LOVE is worth such a journey. Only then do we truly allow the Spirit of Life to enter our fields of vulnerability and turn our sorrow into joy, our despair into hope, our brokenness into glory, by healing and gaining more ground in the land of our hearts. Yes, we ARE His, but by going through this process, He becomes ours. And although it is costly and painful, it surely is worth it all. I love you Jesus! Your life flows through my veins and strengthens me from within. I thank you for my weaknesses. Without them, I could never subject myself to death and come out victorious through the power of your resurrection. Only when I am weak, am I truly strong! (Joel 3:10)
"And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together."(Genesis 22:8)
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