The Double Portion

Elkanah would give a double portion of the meat to his wife Hannah, because he loved her (1 Sam 1:5). In her barrenness and sadness, he would tell her “Hannah, why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved? Am I not better to you than ten sons?” (1 Sam 1:8).

In the original text, the expression “double portion” has more to do with quality than quantity. It means chosen, selected, or the good portion, the juicy portion… the best portion!

Father God loved us so much that He gave his best for us. He heard our cry of barrenness and gave us a Son. He gave us His only begotten Son!

Hannah poured her heart before God and made a vow, to offer her son to God (1 Sam 1:11).

This Armenian Christmas, I declare the vow our nation made to God 1700 years ago. I declare it to be renewed in such a way that our nation’s spiritual barrenness be broken and spiritual fruit may come forth, a fruit of grace, a prophetic voice, a nation with the spirit of Samuel, making way for the Spirit of God to revive the nation... a pleasing offering to God!

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