Brothers Unite
Your "elder brother", the flesh, will always be upset when he hears the sounds of rejoicing coming from the Father's house. He cannot take his attention off his "excellent" performance and the lack of performance of others (Lk 15:11-32).
You, the spirit-man, the younger brother, on the other hand, although you committed all the things you shouldn't have because you have your origin in God your Father, are running back to the Father's house because His love compels and draws you near to Him in repentance and tears.
The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ raises all of us together with His Son, body, and soul, to enjoy the everlasting feast of Heaven. That feast begins today right here on earth.
Join the Father's feast and allow the joy of the Spirit to take over the entire house and even the elder brother, your flesh.
Allow the anointing which flows from the head (Christ) to the beard, garments to reach the earth below (Psalm 133).
How pleasant it is when elder and younger brothers dwell together in unity, it brings heaven to earth.
How pleasant it is when by the Spirit of God, you subject the flesh to works of righteousness. That is the blessing of life commanded by God from the beginning.
Brothers unite in one accord! brother spirit and brother flesh in the Father's house feasting on the lamb, drinking the wine of the Spirit, rejoicing, laughing, bringing heaven to earth!
"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." (Rom 8:13)