The Resurrection of the Dead
Influenced by bad company, some in the Church of Corinth had ceased to believe in the resurrection. The Apostle Paul confronts them by saying that he faces death daily, by the hope and the power of the resurrection, which he calls grace, by which he says, he has labored more than all twelve of the apostles, the least of whom he considers himself to be. Speaking of Christ and the Church, Paul says that Christ must reign until He brings all authority and power under His rule and destroy the last enemy: death, before God can be all in all.
We either confront death daily by the grace of God or surrender and live a life trying to run from it. We either live a cowardly life running from sin, or a victorious life confronting sin, allowing the grace of God to work supernaturally in our lives. We either ARE the resurrection or would just like to think that it really doesn't matter how we face life...
"If the dead do not rise, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”" (1 Corinthians 15:32)
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