Free to Leave

I want to say something to everyone out there who complain about, but can't escape the system they are a slave of, whether that be an organization, a religion, a clique or a an abusive relationship: the Son of God was lifted high on a cross as a flag of God's victory over the oppression of the enemy of mankind!
Unlike in the times of Moses, when a rod was lifted up to split the red sea and let God's people go free, this time it was God in the flesh, God as man, God completely identified with humanity on the front line of the battle of eternity, for the sake of every single human being that ever lived or will live.
I want to tell you that your red sea is split wide open. I want to tell you that you CAN leave. I want to tell you that the chains are broken. I want to tell you that the slave master has been stripped of all power. By the power of the cross, you are free to go. You are free to leave your dark room, free to leave the lies, free to leave the manipulation, free to start a new life...
He suffered violence to ensure your peace. He was nailed to the cross to ensure that you can walk free.


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