The Social Seeker
I realized that we identify 4 different categories of people in our lives as follows:
1- people we share our lives with
2- people we used to share our lives with
3- acquaintances
4- strangers
I am not referring to levels of intimacy here (like a spouse, family, best friend, etc...), but rather ranges of involvement we have in these groups and vice versa. Although our natural inclination may be to experience wider or narrower involvement, according to our characters (whether that be positive or negative involvement with friends, foes or strangers), our real yearning might just seek to go beyond the people and the variety of encounters and experiences or the lack thereof, to come to a better understanding and knowledge of ourselves, our purposes, and ultimately: God.
I believe we are all searching, learning, growing and maturing, each at his or her own pace. When it comes to our social life, depending on our characters and preferences, we tend to surf through the waves of society to catch a new glimpse of the image of the creator we are all created to reflect.
1- people we share our lives with
2- people we used to share our lives with
3- acquaintances
4- strangers
I am not referring to levels of intimacy here (like a spouse, family, best friend, etc...), but rather ranges of involvement we have in these groups and vice versa. Although our natural inclination may be to experience wider or narrower involvement, according to our characters (whether that be positive or negative involvement with friends, foes or strangers), our real yearning might just seek to go beyond the people and the variety of encounters and experiences or the lack thereof, to come to a better understanding and knowledge of ourselves, our purposes, and ultimately: God.
I believe we are all searching, learning, growing and maturing, each at his or her own pace. When it comes to our social life, depending on our characters and preferences, we tend to surf through the waves of society to catch a new glimpse of the image of the creator we are all created to reflect.
Whether we tend to widen or restrict the range of people we get involved with, and whether our involvement is positive or negative, it always has a root of knowledge-seeking and yearning to find our purpose and maker.
In other words, whether we seek solitude or an extravagant social life in any of or all these categories, our motives are led by that same urge deep down.
In other words, whether we seek solitude or an extravagant social life in any of or all these categories, our motives are led by that same urge deep down.