Division in the Church
Once upon a time, I was told that I "can't drink from two fountains". This was in reference to attending 2 churches, demanding me to choose one. Here are my thoughts after 12 years:
- There's only one fountain: Jesus Christ.
- Jesus says if you have an unresolved issue with a brother, it is better to put your worship on hold, resolve the matter before sunset and before you resume your worship. This means, anyone not willing and not seeking reconciliation, is not really worshiping, but living in denial in an imaginary world, not under the authority of the Head of the Church.
- Nothing is uglier and sadder than division in the church. It has handicapped the Church for centuries.
- The biggest sign of decline in a church is the absence of church fathers and the five fold ministry.
- The Church will only be able to live out its full potential when it is united.
- Sometimes divisions occur because it is the only way of spiritual survival, and other times it is pure rebellion. Only the Lord knows and only He reveals the truth.
- No matter what the reason of division is, the Lord still can and does use those churches.
- The biggest obstacle of reconciliation is the approach of each party being focused on converting the other, instead of self-denial.
- Although ultimately God's will is for the church to be united, we will never understand how that is possible.
- Jesus is Lord of the Church. We obey Him and follow Him.
Lord have mercy on us all!
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