Women & The Resurrection (John 20)

Why didn't Jesus reveal Himself to John and Peter (note that John raced Peter all the way to the Tomb), but revealed Himself to Mary only after the others had left?
It was through a woman that sin entered the world and it must have been through a woman that the declaration of the defeat of sin start to be proclaimed to the world!
Below is a comparative table between Eve and Mary Magdalene. I hope it blesses you. We have a beautiful Savior!
Women & The Resurrection (John 20)
Mary Magdalene
Eve / Mary
Mary Magdalene was at
the tomb early in the morning when it was still dark.
Eve has brought
darkness / Mary witnessed how the Light shone in the darkness.
She was outside the
empty tomb crying, thinking that the body of Jesus was taken.
Eve carelessly blamed the serpent / Mary was crying because the body of Jesus was taken away.
She bent over to look
into the tomb.
Eve looked at the
fruit / Mary looked into the tomb
She saw two angels;
one where the feet of Jesus were laid and one where His head was laid.
Eve was cast out of
the garden with 2 angels guarding it / Mary was able to peek into the empty
tomb where 2 angels greeted her.
She spoke with them
Eve lost the privilege
to speak with God / Mary was speaking with the angels.
She saw Jesus and
thought he was a gardener, until Jesus called her by her name.
Eve lost the position
of gardener along with Adam in Eden / Mary saw Jesus and thought he was a gardener.
She immediately
recognized Him.
Eve heard God calling
her and hid / Mary heard Jesus calling her and rejoiced.
She was about to touch
him, but Jesus did not allow her, because He had not yet ascended to the
Eve never could touch
God / Mary was going to be able to do that very soon.
Jesus sent her to go
to his brothers and tell them that He is ascending to His Father and their
Father, to His God and their God.
Eve was cast out to
live a life of suffering / Mary was sent out to spread the good news.
Mary went to the
disciples and told them everything.
Eve disobeyed God /
Mary obeyed Jesus.
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