More than Legal

You may draw some resemblances between the cross and judicial legal transactions, but PLEASE don't render the cross to a mere legal transaction. The cross is fire, love, and the forging of the eternal with the now, the divine with the human, the hate and the love. It is complete in itself, a loud declaration of who God is, a loud and final declaration of who man is. It is God's mind made up and manifested. It is God in the flesh crucified in the hands of the created. It is victory in spite of! Victory despite man's hate, disobedience, and rejection. It is more than legal, much more than historical or mathematical. It is the beginning and the end and everything in between. It is love stripped naked for the entire world to see, marvel, approach, and eat from the tree. It is my beautiful savior's sweet and sour, fountain of power, personal victory... an unimaginable gift offered to humanity.
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