Father's Day
Tomorrow's Father's Day. This year, I would like to share something different on this occasion.
Noah had 3 sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Despite the fact that Noah was their father and they owed him their existence, and the fact that Noah was the man of God who had to be respected and honored, and the fact that If it wasn't for Noah, they would have been all dead in the flood, they did not all honor him.
Noah had 3 sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Despite the fact that Noah was their father and they owed him their existence, and the fact that Noah was the man of God who had to be respected and honored, and the fact that If it wasn't for Noah, they would have been all dead in the flood, they did not all honor him.
After the flood, Noah grew a vineyard, made wine, became drunk and was found naked in his tent. His son Ham exposed his father's nakedness, while the other two covered it by placing a cloak on their shoulders and walking backwards. Ham was cursed and the others blessed. (Genesis 9:18-28)
Before celebrating Father's Day, I would like to invite all readers to recognize a root issue that many might need to deal with. I am talking about rebellion. In no way am I trying to excuse or ignore any wrongdoing by fathers, and I do not have mine or anyone else's example in mind. I just want to pinpoint an issue that needs to be dealt with, so that the next generation can be freed from this demonic burden. We need to apologize for all thoughts, words or acts of rebellion towards our fathers, whether biological, social, national or spiritual fathers, if we have any root of rebellion buried in our hearts. I am talking about conscious and mostly unconscious rebellion, or hidden rebellion. And the list can go back for so many generations. We need to recognize what Christ did on the cross, accept the Father's forgiveness, and live it out.
Before celebrating Father's Day, I would like to invite all readers to recognize a root issue that many might need to deal with. I am talking about rebellion. In no way am I trying to excuse or ignore any wrongdoing by fathers, and I do not have mine or anyone else's example in mind. I just want to pinpoint an issue that needs to be dealt with, so that the next generation can be freed from this demonic burden. We need to apologize for all thoughts, words or acts of rebellion towards our fathers, whether biological, social, national or spiritual fathers, if we have any root of rebellion buried in our hearts. I am talking about conscious and mostly unconscious rebellion, or hidden rebellion. And the list can go back for so many generations. We need to recognize what Christ did on the cross, accept the Father's forgiveness, and live it out.
An attitude of honor and one of covering sins is one that reflects God's own heart. The Son ALWAYS glorifies the Father. And the Father ALWAYS exalts the Son. That is how God is.
Everybody messes up. The important thing is the reconciliation of God to take place. I am talking about the God who turns the hearts of the fathers back to the sons, and the hearts of the sons back to the fathers (Malachi 4:6).
Events in your past may keep you from being honest with yourself and allowing forgiveness and healing take their course in your heart. You may be doing everything to play your cards right, but if you are honest with yourself, you may find out that you are holding a grudge that is only hurting you.
"‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’”(Luke 15:31-32)
No matter what happens, I would rather be in the younger son's shoes than in the older one's in the parable of the prodigal son. I believe the best way we can honor our fathers is to run into their arms and join the feast of their joy. No matter where life has led us or how apart we may have grown. To honor our fathers by just being there with them, not necessarily in agreement, but in fellowship sharing their joy and sharing their grief and pain is what matters.
So if you have things on your heart that you need to confess, share or just repent from, I encourage you to take the time and do it. It will be of far greater value than the most expensive present you can offer your father(s). There is no joy outside the feast of the Father's house. I wish you all a very happy and blessed Father's Day! God bless you all!
Events in your past may keep you from being honest with yourself and allowing forgiveness and healing take their course in your heart. You may be doing everything to play your cards right, but if you are honest with yourself, you may find out that you are holding a grudge that is only hurting you.
"‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’”(Luke 15:31-32)
No matter what happens, I would rather be in the younger son's shoes than in the older one's in the parable of the prodigal son. I believe the best way we can honor our fathers is to run into their arms and join the feast of their joy. No matter where life has led us or how apart we may have grown. To honor our fathers by just being there with them, not necessarily in agreement, but in fellowship sharing their joy and sharing their grief and pain is what matters.
So if you have things on your heart that you need to confess, share or just repent from, I encourage you to take the time and do it. It will be of far greater value than the most expensive present you can offer your father(s). There is no joy outside the feast of the Father's house. I wish you all a very happy and blessed Father's Day! God bless you all!
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