Fundamental Christianity
If you believe that God is a distant God, a demanding God, an untouchable God, a dictator God, a CEO God, then you cannot believe that Jesus is God.
If you believe that unless you DO something, like believing, praying, serving, obeying, helping, God cannot relate to you, then you do not know the Gospel (the good news).
If you believe that unless a person publicly and vocally professes that Jesus is Lord, he or she is not saved, then you have not yet tasted the goodness of God.
If your understanding of Christian teaching is having everyone to agree with your interpretation of the scriptures, then you have not yet begun to see that the Word of God is not a book, but a Person, God Himself, whom you and I cannot possibly totally interpret.
If you look into your enemy's eyes and fail to see Christ and Him crucified, and think that by "casting out demons" or "rebuking the enemy", you have done your Christian duty or exercised your authority as a son of God, then you have misunderstood the nature of God and your true source of authority.
Lord have mercy! Only You Lord can tolerate our shortcomings with such patience! You're so humble it frightens me...