Hope of Unity
What is unity? I will start my definition by stating what unity is not. Unity is not uniformity. Unity is not having everyone think alike, talk alike, dress alike, etc.. But unity does imply everyone being like-minded, i.e. having made up their minds regarding the end goal of the collective unit.
The diversity found in creation is a beautiful thing. It reflects the very nature of the Triune God. Unity in no way should violate the diversity found in society. If all were alike in every aspect, their unity would be void of power beauty. On the other hand, when we find a diverse group of people coming together to form a beautiful image in unity, that speaks volumes about the power that rests in the midst.
Likewise and even more importantly in the Church, unity promises the power of God made manifest among people. The Church is called to play the role of agent in bringing about the plan and promises of God. The Church has had a very bumpy ride, but a close look will show the manifestations of God when 2 or 3 gathered around and came in agreement concerning the words of Jesus. A beautiful example is of the 120 disciples in the upper room. The Bible says: "They were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven..." (Acts 2:1-2). I do not want to go as far as to suggest that God cannot move, work miracles or accomplish His plan unless there's perfect unity, but unity even if not perfect does play a critical role.
A shadow of the power of unity in the church can be seen in the Old Testament, in the story of the battle of Israel against the Amalekites (Exodus 17), when Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses, as Joshua enjoyed God's miraculous power and left the Israelites into victory.
The writings of the early church fathers is full of words or encouragements and warnings regarding unity and the church's responsibility to maintain it. Christianity has come a long way since then and unfortunately the rate of divisions have been increasing ever since. This escalation has served both good and evil purposes, but eventually we hope to see unity restored in the church.
The very fact that this hope exists is proof of what the Spirit of God is speaking to the church. Unfortunately many misinterpret that voice and expect all others to change and come in agreement with them. Let us be frank and clear about this. We all need to change. We all need to get out of our ways, our doctrines, our expectations and traditions, and come back to what really matters: the Kingdom of God.
I am aware of how complicated this is, and how so many theological and traditional issues stand in the way. But somehow I believe in the power of God and the power of love. I believe that God is in the details working out a bigger and much better plan than what we could ever think of in our wildest imaginations. Just look at how different the fulfillment of His promises to Israel came about, from the way they were and still are expecting.
I do not want to find myself in the same situation, where the greatest move of God passes me by. That is exactly why I have put my trust in God and have entered this new life that's so mesmerizing to say the least. Let's face it the possibilities we have are infinite. The choices we take are often so below the standard of our identity, calling and grace. When Jesus spoke about 2 or 3 coming together in agreement, He knew very well what He was asking for. He was saying just agree on my words and let me show you how I will work miracles through this jungle of a mess you have got yourselves into. He is the healer, the redeemer, the guide and the captain of this ship.
As we approach each other under the shadow of past issues, hatred, anger, animosity and even blood spilled, let us look at Jesus and let us see the Father smiling upon us, let us all together rejoice in the Holy Spirit and take it from there. Let us build friendships and work together, denying our agendas and putting others' interests before ours. Let us DO the Kingdom, not like the rulers of this world do it, but as Jesus taught us; in humility, as servants of an unshakable kingdom to which there is no end.