Sharing the Anointing

During home group prayers last week, I felt the presence of the Lord and saw in my spirit Jesus going around and pouring some of the anointing oil in our hands. He shares His anointing with us. He shares His authority with us. His anointing is the best He’s got. The anointing is what He has received from the Father, in the Holy Spirit. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the substance that makes miracles happen. We cannot explain everything, but I’ve noticed seasons in my life when I have felt the anointing in a much more powerful way than during other seasons. In different seasons, I recognize how God is at work, and realize that something in our lives is under construction, then put to the test, then maybe called in for maintenance or repairs and upgrades. I believe that Jesus is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and the entire universe is created, recreated and maintained in Him.

Jesus sharing His anointing with us is just the reality of who and where we are in the new covenant. We are in His hands; not just to be protected, but also to be armed and equipped for spiritual warfare, for a sky dive, for a midnight secret attack operation.

"Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”" (1 Samuel 14:6)

Sometimes, the anointing in our heart gets too much for us to handle and to keep quiet. Sometimes, you can’t help it. It doesn’t matter how hard it seems, whether it makes sense or not, whether the numbers add up or the money is secured. Sometimes, you just got to go for it. You approach the homeless, you propose prayers for the sick. You pursue that project, your assignment, your task, your mission... Sometimes, we find ourselves at what people call a kairos moment, and just go for it. We need the anointing and He shares it with us! That's such an awesome thing!

My pastor has taught me to make it a habit to release the anointing at all times. As I am writing this, I’m in a plane and blessing the guy next to me. He’s going to feel it and do something. I just know it. There he goes, moving his feet all of a sudden. He thinks it’s the music he’s listening to. But it’s not. He’s anxious because we are about to land. I release courage and peace. I release power and joy from the Father of lights. I bless him. It’s as easy as that. He's smiling now. I’ve had practice. During some years in ministry, especially prayers ministry, praying one on one with people during services, I've had to be at that place of receiving from God and delivering. The way the anointing gets transferred is something which we can get a feel of. It's beyond our natural senses, although those kind of 'light up' when it happens.

Just as freely we have received from Him, we freely give. We give generously and abundantly, through words, prayers and deeds.

We all have a place of “weakness”, which is really our strength and the activation button of grace. Some release anointing through their talent, others through spiritual gifts, some through a special humbling of their heart, others through a smile, the list is infinite really. Paul learned that his thorn in the flesh was the activation button for the Lord’s grace to flow. We know what ‘reminds us’ of our need for His grace. So we keep our hands on the button and keep shooting at the works of the devil, destroying them one by one, day by day, soul by soul, from glory to glory.

I guess it's something which needs to become a habit, starting with the moment we wake up, going through our daily routine, realizing that everything we think, feel and do matters a lot, realizing that we carry a lot of glory, and that we are anointed in THE Anointed One. God bless you!


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