Stand to Prophesy

We are children of the resurrection. We are the generation which was not and came into being, because God raised us from the dead and called us into existence in Christ. We are of the seed of Abraham. We, like our father, call into existence that which is not.

This is what we do, because this is what our Father does. He resurrects, brings to life, grants life on top of life. We do this BECAUSE we are not only equipped to do it, but because it is in our DNA, it is our identity. That's what we do. We call to life, that which is dead and in despair. We are the children of the resurrection.

In practical terms, it starts with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and and the use of the gifts. It then moves onto building of character and discovering our purpose through a vision from God. Finally, we plan, organize and put into practice that which is given us from God, using the weapons of God, inspired by the vision and Spirit of God, in collaboration with the people of God, under the authority established by God. This is what the Church does.

Four years ago God told me to stand to prophesy, when I was seeking guidance for a ministry among refugee teenagers. We had an exceptional retreat with these kids. But for 10 days before those days, I took time just to stand to prophesy and God prophesied life in very intimate and profound ways. We need His direct intervention in and through our lives.

From a worldly perspective, it's a crazy thing to do. But in reality, our tongues and our words carry a lot of glory. They carry a lot of weight. They have the power to influence according to the image and purpose originally intended for this fallen world we live in and are sent out to minister to. We are called to call into existence that which does not yet appear. Just like in Ezekiel's vision, there is an army in the valley of dry bones waiting to be called out. There is a Lazarus in the tomb waiting to be called out. There's a generation to be saved from Pharaoh waiting to be spared, as was the case with the midwives who feared God and spared the sons and God made houses for them.

Prophets are like those courageous midwives who speak life, they are called to deliver and not to abort, they are ministers of life and not death. They dismiss the commands of Pharaoh and serve God. God rewards them and builds them houses. We are now living in those houses, the very same houses Jesus said will go to the Father in order to prepare them for us, in His body, so that where He is; we may be also.

God told the prophet Jeremiah to go to the potter's house and demonstrated the creative force of His Word. He redeemed and re-created the entire universe in Christ through His resurrection and called you to partake in His glory.

"God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did" will speak through your lips and recreate on earth according to His heavenly purposes (Rom 4:17). That is who God is. That is who Jesus is. That's what the Holy Spirit does. That is the will of the Father, who is forever blessed.

Therefore, before panicking, setting out our own plans, let us stand to receive. Let us stand in the gap, somewhere between heaven and earth and declare JESUS! The perfect will of the Father, in the Holy Spirit! Blessings!

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