Where is Sarah?

God has entered into the very core of our darkness. In the story of Genesis 18, God visits Abraham in the form of three visitors. Abraham hosts them and prepares dinner for them. The God of the Trinity asks an important question to Abraham, who had a promise and bore the name of father of multitude but was still without a son. His wife Sarah had talked him into taking matters into his own hands and having a child with one of her servants, but that hadn't worked out too well either. Now they were well advanced in their age and in full despair.

God asks Abraham: “Where is your wife Sarah?”

God is still asking each and every one of us the same question. God proclaimed that the time had come and Abraham and Sarah will have a son next year. He is in the midst of our bareness, our shame, our unbelief and our fear. Even when Sarah laughed at the idea of her having a child at her advanced age, God confronted her. When she denied laughing at the idea, God corrected her. There is no escaping the truth sown in the very nature of humanity, through the work of salvation of the God of the Trinity.
The Son is the eternal Image of the Father. Humanity was created in the image of God and has lost that image because of its association outside of that image. Throughout history and under the Old Covenant, God has revealed Himself in so many ways, but during the last days, God has chosen to reveal himself through the Son, the ultimate and perfect Image of the Father. (Hebrews 1.1-3)

God did not do this through some vision in the sky or a loud declaration from the sky like the thunders heard in the days of Moses. The Father sent the Son through the Holy Spirit to become man through the Virgin Mary.

God's revelation to mankind was through a union between His divine nature and our fallen human nature. The Logos became flesh and made his dwelling among us and we beheld the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. We saw the revelation of the true Image.

In the absence of true revelation, man made images after his own perception, taking matters into his own hands, leading him to destruction. The good news is that God has entered into the very core of our deviance and made Himself known right THERE!

"But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of Man will certainly suffer at their hands." (Matthew ‭17:12‬)

The only way we contributed to our salvation was to crucify the incarnate Son of God. That's how we gave Him access to our darkness, and the rest is history...

The Son of God who became Son of man, on the cross put sin to death by becoming sin on for us in the hands of sinful men, religious leaders, Jew and gentile rulers, even his own disciples contributed to the wrath and anger poured out on the innocent savior on the cross.

But God's light shone in the darkness, even in the darkest pit of hell and defeated the enemy, setting all captives free. He rose from the dead. he ascended to Heaven, taking with Him all of humanity and baptizing us in the very same Spirit that He is anointed with. This is a new day friends! This is the day of salvation! He is right there in your anguish asking you: "Where is your problem? I'm here to fix it with my Word, my true Image: the Son". You are invited to participate in this great mystery by just bringing your "barren wife" before Him and His Word. You are invited to accept the Truth as it is and rest in His promises by faith. God bless you!

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