The Challenge of God's Presence - Pt.1

The Presence of God is nothing other than the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which brings an awareness that God is tangibly present in that moment and in that particular place. In those moments, we just come to know that the Father is there, Jesus is there or the Holy Spirit is there and/or God is there to do something miraculous or out of the ordinary.

Jesus invited Peter to walk on water. Peter wanted it. We yearn for the miraculous and the out of the ordinary. We crave for that kind of intimacy and partnership with God. Adam could hear and recognize God's footsteps in the Garden of Eden. We are simply made that way. Enoch walked with God and was raptured.

God may take the first initiative but then leaves it up to us to seek Him and seek His presence. He lets us have a taste or a sample of His magnificent presence and draw us into a journey of love, pain, and glory. His presence may take us into very scary and dangerous places. He doesn't force us but draws us into them.

[ The Shulamite ] 
Draw me away! [ The Daughters of Jerusalem ] We will run after you. [ The Shulamite ] The king has brought me into his chambers. [ The Daughters of Jerusalem ] We will be glad and rejoice in you. We will remember your love more than wine. [ The Shulamite ] Rightly do they love you." (Song of Solomon 1:4)

We sometimes feel trapped between our fears and our callings, not knowing what to do and how to do it. The answer is found in inviting or seeking after God's presence. The reason why being a coward is such a bad thing is not because we do not feel like we have the strength to overcome a problem or difficulty but because we are too afraid or arrogant to seek God's presence and grace. I am not referring to the situations where people have a misconception regarding the character of God and don't seek him out of intimidation or fear, which is brought about by the enemy or wrong teachings. I am talking about fleeing God's presence or avoiding Him when we know very well who He is and what He can do for us and through us. Jonah ran away from God. Fortunately, God sought after him.

Peter had denounced Jesus but he ran towards him swimming. Judas had betrayed Jesus but ran away from Him and ended his life. They were both His disciples and were with Him from the very start.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews says today when you hear His voice do not harden your hearts like the children of Israel did, but since you have this awesome hope in Him, enter His rest, enter His presence, enter the throne room, in the very bosom of the Father. God bless you!


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