The Challenge of God's Presence - Pt.3
It is a great privilege and honor to be carriers of God's presence, by design. Wherever we go, He goes. He is in us not in an indifferent or passive way, but in an active and moving way; speaking in us and through us, reaching out to a broken world to heal the sick and broken-hearted, to deliver the captives and establish His Kingdom and rule on earth; a Kingdom of peace and joy and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. We are living the dream of centuries. The age of Christ, the age of the Kingdom is here at hand.
We speak to the things that are not as if they were and bring them into existence because we carry the Creator in these weak earthly vessels. There is such glory in our hearts and minds. Deep in our spirits, we find the greatest treasure the world can ever carry.
When speaking of the Kingdom, Jesus said it is like a man who finds treasure buried in a field. The man goes sells everything he has so that he can buy the field. Jesus also said he who loves his life will lose it. Have you seen the treasure buried within? Whoever has seen the treasure, will find himself/herself in the same situation as the man who sold all he had. Obed-Edom did the same. His name means servant man, or red man, or man who is made of the earth. He hosted the ark of the covenant, despite all the worldly reasons not to and he was greatly blessed. He didn't carry it in a cart but in the very heart of his home. (2 Samuel 6:12)
You may be stuck in a situation and struggling with resistance. People are telling you that you do not need to go to extremes. Your mind is struggling to justify and your heart to overcome the overwhelming fear. We got good news for you! The same God who terrified Ekron and knocked down Dagon, has now birthed in the earthly fields of our hearts as unconceivable treasure and has broken the power of mammon and overcame the world! You are now legally and eternally His. Have you accepted Him in the most intimate and personal place?
To the extent of His Kingdom, there is no end. There is no end to the limit of the reach of God and His Kingdom in you and through you! Jesus has risen! The enemy better beware!
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