The People Want A King

In the story of the prophet Samuel, the people asked for a king. They did not want to be under God's rule, which promised them real freedom. Although they did not need a king, they wanted a king like all the other nations. They were warned of the consequences of having a king will bring, how their sons will serve in an army, their daughters in the king's service and their lands and crops will be used by the king. They didn't care. They wanted a king anyway, because of their carnal desire to look like, to be like other 'powerful' nations. Their carnality rebelled against God under the guise of a right they claimed they had, being a nation just like all other nations. Their demand upset the prophet but God told him to appoint Saul a king anyway.

God gave them a king after their own desire: a tall king, a handsome king, a powerful-looking king, a king who by appearance made a lot of sense. he was a disaster. He was careless, selfish and stubborn. He abused the people, God's trust, and his armies. He made friends with God's people's enemies. He envied David who had a heart after God's own heart and saved him and his people from Goliath and the Philistines. He planned to kill him, he persecuted him, he went after him and sought to kill him, to the point that he was demon oppressed and finally took his own life in a battle where three of his sons were killed.

In the wilderness, the people of Israel sought to go back to the life of Egypt, making and worshiping idols. Even though they had the miraculous presence of God with them, blessing them and providing for them every day. The Bible says that that generation did not enter the promise (except for two men of faith: Joshua and Caleb), they died in the desert.

Nations throughout history have sought a fair and righteous ruler or governing political system. Although many different ideologies and systems are adopted, the root problem often remains the same: man's rightful need for righteous living and the problem of carnal desires of fallen man's heart.

The good news of the story is that God eventually gave Israel a king. He did join the game of fallen man, without losing his holy and righteous attributes, plan and purpose. He appointed a young boy. He anointed him king, when all hell had broken loose in the nation. Samuel anointed young David King over Israel.

We know very well that David prophetically represented Christ: God who became man to give His Kingdom to man: a righteous and just kingdom, a kingdom that would restore man's honor and dignity, a kingdom to which there is no end.

The good news is that through Christ and in Christ, we the people of God can bring God's kingdom and rule on earth and in our own nations. Recognizing and addressing carnal desires of sinful man is of utmost importance. Equally important is our trust and reliance on God and His Son, to whom is given all authority and power from now and forever more.


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