Come, Lord Jesus!
We have entered the era of the revealing of the sons of God, as we witness the church moving from childhood to maturity, preparing to be presented without blemish as the bride of Christ, anticipating His return.
Firstly, I would like to point out that the cross and resurrection had already made this possible, as we read in Romans 8. However, a lengthy 2000 years of church history has brought us to a point where, on a massive scale, the church will enter into this with power and large numbers, just as salvation was available for all since the cross, but after the Reformation the number of saved on the earth increased, and just as at Pentecost the gift of the Spirit was available to all, but after Azusa and many revivals it is now widespread, I believe it will be likewise with maturity and sonship in the full meaning of the word. There are so many accounts throughout church history where men and women of God had attained a level of maturity in the Lord and have manifested their authority over this fallen world, but that has never been witnessed on a large scale in the church. I believe that as we approach the second coming of the Lord, we will witness such a phenomenon by the grace of God.
During this season, as we enjoy the blessings of our death to the yearnings of the flesh and heed to the voice of the Spirit calling us from within, we prepare our inner sanctuaries for a worship worthy of our victorious King. We offer up prayers of thanksgiving in the midst of trials. We bless the name of the Lord as a banner lifted up, high above all other names of this world. We reconsider our motives and repent of ways adopted from this world and put on the cloak of righteousness of our ruling King. As mature sons of God, we take ownership of the holiness granted us as a precious gift in Christ and preserve it with a dedicated life of prayer. We use the authority of our sonship to bring order and reign on earth. We do not rule as the world does but as this earth needs. The meek inherit the earth and make way for the King to return with His angels and saints to this earth and take His place among the saints on earth. Come, Lord Jesus! Come!
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