Jesus Said
Three days ago after hearing an incredible message from our Pastor online, going into prayer, and after a very powerful intervention from the Holy Spirit manifesting through very heavy breathing, Jesus told me: "As I do not give you anything of Myself, but only of what I receive from the Father, likewise you do not have anything of yourselves, but only of what you receive from Me."
It was so humbling. His correction was so humbling as I realized the beliefs on which I had relied on rather than relying on a direct and live relationship and what I receive first-hand from God. Even that which I had previously received from God had become an obstacle to keep the live "channel" open.
In John 5:16-23, Jesus makes a similar statement. And honestly, after hearing those words from the Lord I went back to the Bible to re-read that passage. Although the passage does not refer to us as followers of Jesus, it does very beautifully describe the relationship of trust and honor between God the Father and God the Son.
It is so humbling that this God would relate to us weak creatures in likewise manner. I believe it is because He loves us and has created us in His image in order to relate to us in a similar and most intense manner. I was so humbled, still am now. I can't stress enough the importance of a living spirituality versus a dead one, a living relationship versus a stagnant one, a life on fire with the love and anointing of the Holy Spirit. It only takes a few moments to turn the other way and build our own sand castle, which is not a bad thing as long as the castle is what I saw my Father building and am building 'mine' with Him.
I am encouraged now in a fresh way to look at the Son, the visible image of the invisible God (Col 1:15), and allow myself to receive from Him grace upon grace (John 1:16).
In the busy lives that we lead, I pray that we make it a priority and are reminded to do that every day, hour and minute, to love on Him and receive His love back from Him, hear His voice and obey Him with a cheerful heart. God bless you!
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