Jesus vs Skywalker
Yesterday I went to see the new Star Wars movie. I love Star Wars. I like the imagination, the creativity, the stories, the human side of the characters, not so much the theology behing it though, perhaps it's better to call it mythology since that is what George Lucas drew his inspiration from.
What has been heavy on my heart the past year is the fact that so many in and out of the Church, especially the youth and young adults are running to new age, the occult, and all sorts of demonic spiritual practices and/or Gnostic beliefs, simply because they do not find the spiritual satisfaction in churches. The same also applies to drugs. Human beings are created to live in Eden, which means pleasure or delight. Sadly, many churches and homes have become doctrinal libraries or walking tombs like Jesus said about the Pharisees, or have become people who have the form of godliness but deny its power, as Paul warned Timothy or as Jesus told the Sadducees.
If the Church doesn't become the burning bush, people will look elsewhere for spirituality. Some knowingly and others mistakenly will revert to the demonic.
Spirituality is not some form of knowledge but the tangible outpouring of the heavenly into the earth in a very unique way to us and through us. Meaning, we begin to see things, smell things, taste things, sense things, and hear things that are not of this world, but have found us as a channel to come and influence the world. Now, that can be either divine or demonic. If you are a child of God, you will be able to discern it. Otherwise, your life and the fruit of your life will testify to the identity of the master you are serving.
The fire of the Holy Spirit and the use of the gifts is not the end goal but the means and the entrance to spirituality, as setting up the fire is to a barbecue. We prepare our hearts. God lights the fire. Everyone gets to enjoy good food.
I was born and raised in a nominal Christian family too. I thought I had it all figured out too. But then GOD happened. I didn't come to a certain enlightenment or realization of some gnostic or demonic type. Although I was heavily involved in drugs and many practices that I believe the devil used to channel all types of evil desires in me and through me.
Paul says: "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16). The power referred to in this verse is not some superior knowledge, but the explosive power of the Holy Spirit that transforms energizes and releases people into their calling and purpose in a mighty way.
Church, we can no longer afford to become institutions of doctrines and traditions. We can no longer deny the human nature. We can no longer deny the nature of the Gospel. We can no longer deny the power given to us, which was clearly demonstrated by God when He raised Jesus from the dead. It is time to mobilize. We can no longer afford to compromise. All of creation is groaning for the revelation of the sons of God.
God bless you and empower you to walk in all the authority and boldness in this dark and lost world, not by the light of your lightsaber but by the light within, by the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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