God of Creation
Our God is the God of creation. Creation testifies to the works and nature of God. Through creation, it is possible to see God. But because of the fall and the depraved state of mankind, the most people can see is some intelligent design behind the universe we live in.
What I would like to discuss is creation, not just the world but the powerful force behind the visible world. The force which the Bible describes as a person called the Logos or the Logic or the Word of God, the Son who was with God in the beginning, who also is God and the very image of the Father, who also took on human nature and made himself visible in a vulnerable way. Not only that but He also surrendered Himself to the depraved mind and hands of this evil world in order to be tortured and killed in the hands of the deprivation of the fallen nature, so that He can recreate it, and so that He can fix it, and so that he can redeem it and He did!
So the Force we are talking about is God Himself. New age folks talk about Him without knowing Him. Hippies and mother nature worshippers kiss the trees missing the kiss of the maker of the trees. This depraved world goes so far as to preach God but deny His Word and His power. But those who know Him, for them He is their strong Tower, their Rock, their Salvation, and Redemption. He is the Creator within them, extending roots, developing branches, bearing fruit and spreading vineyards dispersing the aroma of His rule and kingdom in a world left in darkness and despair. He is their victory and power against forces of darkness that struggle to keep the world blinded to the shining light of the truth of His Word.
Now this Force we are talking about is begotten, eternally begotten, the only begotten of the Father. He is THE image of the unseen God. He is obedience. He is submission. He is the Victor, through perseverance and love. He is the lamb/lion, the ox/eagle. He is innocent and fierce. He works the ground and scans beyond the horizon. He is the servant-king. He lives in men. He is the light of men. He has come into this world to enlighten it, but darkness has tried to shun it but to no avail. His name is Jesus.
His creative love-force will transform you. You will witness the reality of the new creation: the entire universe within you. You will find at your fingertips: His creative, wonder-making power, along with His authority to uproot and plant, expand and destroy, according to your true nature and identity, in union with Him.
So what's the catch? You might ask. It's freely given really. Not freely received by us though. It does cost us. It may cost us everything we now have for the exceedingly abundantly more than what we can imagine or dream of...