New Bag of Flour
On 11 August 2018 during prayers, Nanor (my wife) was making declarations as I was seeing flour being poured down from above until I realized that the declarations were mainly related to the Word of God.
As I sought God for more insight, I was shown an upper floor like in a barn, from where the flour was being poured down. Then I heard the Lord say: "The heroes of the faith are watching you" and I could see heroes of faith of old looking down from that upper platform from where flour was being poured down (I could barely recognize them, but one of them in the front resembled Smith Wigglesworth)
I then had the understanding that this flour was of a new bag or package preserved for these times and it had to do with the preaching of the Word of God.
It was obvious to me that this was nothing like anything ever witnessed on earth before. It would not resemble any revival or movement of the old. But like the great ones in history, it would be remembered and witnessed not only by us on earth but also but those fathers of the faith in Heaven. It was as if they were looking to see what we would do with this valuable package or word which was being entrusted to us. As ones who had passed the baton, they were eager to see how we would handle it, as if not having the permission to say anything but allowed to make themselves visible to us, in order for us to get a sense of the responsibility.
Yesterday when in prayer, I saw a horseman riding very rapidly and crossing a series of chains of mountains. I had the understanding that he was a messenger. he had his message above all mountainous regions he had to cross and that is why his race was not hindered and nothing could slow him down or distract him. He represented our mission to take the Word of God to the world crossing all regions and all worldly kingdoms.
These are exciting and very serious times friends! Praying to be ready, preparing our arms for the battle, for a run for the prize, for our Lord and King...