A Bigger Dream

While Nathanael used to think that he was meditating on, praying to, dreaming about God under the fig tree, Jesus introduces Himself as the God who always has been, from the beginning of time, dreaming about Nathanael dreaming about God, loving God, chasing God, chasing a dream, that he thought was his, but never was. (John 1:47-51)

It always was God’s dream, a bigger dream, a bigger God, standing tall from Heaven to earth, throughout the ages giving birth to generations.

We are His dream, friends! This is bigger than us! If we follow His lead, we will “stumble upon” our destiny in Him, our home in Him, our friend, brother, father, bridegroom in Him!

We will find a God who always was dreaming about us before time began...

My friends, in Christ we are blessed with all the blessings of Heaven. In Him, we are Nathanaels, true wrestlers with God, in whom there is no deceit!

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