The Final Say

The squeaking and screeching sound of the snake under my feet is music to my ears.

My eyes on the Seat, I boast in the victory I have in Jesus: my banner and the defeat of the deceiver.

My life’s a parade. I sing praises in many ways before the sun rises. In sync with the Heavens, my soul prays.

The glory awakens me, making sounds of victory, calling to gaze at the radiating face of our King. He has delivered me!

Can you hear the symphony of the angelic procession? I see a gate. I hear the dancing, the Father’s heart pounding as many responding to the call of the faith.

Sounding horns, making way for the Son arising to take His rightful place, as the saved are responding with shouts of exuberant praise.

It’s only the beginning of the millennial reign, only a glimpse of He who is, always was and is to come in the final day.

The glorious Son will have the final say. And all the saints say: Come! Lord Jesus, Come!

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