Send Me!
The Father loves the Son and has given all authority to Him.
The Son loves the Father and glorifies Him alone.
The Spirit testifies of the love of the Father and the Son, revealing our inheritance in that very same love.
How can we stay silent? How can we be indifferent?
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”” (Isaiah 6:8)
In a world of tension, self-seeking and fear of failure, rejection, and death, God has revealed Himself, in such a powerful way.
The revelation of who God is in Christ is more than information but is truth and love. God has revealed His Triune nature, pointing to the Son, as the One in whom God dwells in bodily form for us, offering us an invitation to commune with Him. The visible image of the invisible, inconceivable, uncontainable, eternal God is right before us. And then He offers Himself for us as a sacrifice... He poured His life on us... He brought us home, back to the bosom of the Father, from where He descended. He sent His Spirit to dwell in us and remain with us, to witness the self-giving love of the Triune God.

Do we see it? Do we hear it? Do we feel ‘disturbed’ by it? Will we go to tell others? Will we go to love others, as we have discovered that we are loved so undeservingly.
We serve an awesome Father, friends. We have an unimaginable inheritance in the Son. We have the most powerful fellowship by the Spirit. We are right at home, in the Father’s house. Now, will we go? I say ‘Yes, we will’. I say ‘Lord, send me!’. I say ‘Father, I seek to do what your heart desires’.
In Christ, all of God’s promises are Yes and Amen!
God bless you!