Fathers of Generations

Every generation will sing a new song, will tell a new story, will paint a new picture, and build a new city.

Every piece of the puzzle is precious, irreplaceable, genuine, indispensable.

We shape our children to enable them to become the best they can be for a future we may not see, for a story we may not hear...

But to dream and declare, to prophesy and prepare, we must!

No matter the difficulties, the struggles, the cost, we must live for the future, build for the children a robust foundation. Father, Son and Spirit, our Rock and Salvation: the Lord Jesus Christ is central for adoption, purpose, inspiration.

From this hope and anchor, we draw all power to leave a generation behind that’s shining His glory, telling His story, until the Day comes, when we’ll stand before history, gathered from all tribes, praising what so beautifully He has gathered to become a holy sanctuary, one people from all nations, ready to become the bride of He who is, always was, and has now come...

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