For God's Satisfaction
The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the mighty God, the I AM loves and cares for you. Yesterday during worship at church, the Lord said the following words, so I wrote them down to read them later and meditate on them. Surprisingly, the sermon following the worship had a similar message. This happens often, as the Spirit of God reveals to the church that He is Lord over the house of God.
"I am the God of Israel, the One who fights for you, the one who delivers, rescues and saves!
I am near the ones who call my name, those who prepare their hearts for me to enter in and dine with them.
I am God and there is no one but me. I am God and there is none besides me. Yāh is my name. From ancient days, I am the everlasting One.
Who can understand my ways and know my paths? No one but those I have chosen to show my face, to reveal my ways. My glory is what I give to those who walk with me and carry the cross on high hills of salvation.
You are a chosen people. You are a worthy people; worthy of my love and care. Show up and receive. Receive your inheritance from me, my children. I give and don’t look back. I sow and don’t want anything in return.
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am YOUR God."
In these days, I hear testimonies of God's revelation of love, becoming more and more intense and distinct as personal love. Moving forward from the theology of who God is in and of Himself as Triune God; Father, Son, and Spirit, One being, One Love, three distinct persons forever in unity, we need to also realize that the Triune God has chosen for the Son to become man in order to establish an eternal union between God and man.
What does this mean for us? This is good news, my friends. This is awesome news. The same God who called Abraham, who was with Isaac and wrestled with Jacob, the same God who turned Jacob into Israel, the same God who at the appointed time found His way into the fabric of His creation and became a human being, died for our sins, defeated death and rose from the dead, ascending to heaven, has united us to himself by this great work of salvation. Nothing can change that! It is a done deal! He has sealed it! And has sent His Spirit to dwell in us as a seal, as evidence, as reassurance and a powerful witness! This truly is too good to be true, but it somehow is! This is a season to be hit one more time by a fresh revelation of the mystery of God's salvation.
During this season, you will be challenged to approach God on a personal level; no mediators, no faking, no religion, no easy escaping. It is not for some hidden agenda, not for some project and not for some ministry. It is for the sole purpose of His satisfaction. He wants you and has gone all the way to have you!
I pray that God's love hunts you down, takes a hold of you and restores you! I pray that you encounter the personal God, the loving God, the zealous God in a mighty and life-changing way.
We declare this good news boldly. We declare the name of Jesus! The Son of God / Son of Man, the perfect God, and perfect man, the victor, the perfector, the author, the finisher, boldly and powerfully over all creation. Come, Lord Jesus! Come! Have your way in us...