The Unspeakable Mystery
God experienced God-forsakenness for man’s sake on the cross.
Think about that. As we approach lent, we feel pulled into this great mystery, which is the cross, the pinnacle of love.
It makes us think of all our rights and powers and how we use them or what purpose we use them for. Do we actually have a grip on them or are we slaves to our lusts and desires. In other words, can we truly love? I believe we all fall short and are in desperate need of the cross in our everyday lives.
When talking about love and the cross, Jesus said: “I will not say much more to you” (John 14:30) because there is no way that human words can express what the crucifixion has.
As we meditate on the love of God for mankind, and the sacrifice it demanded from Him, we are drawn into the truth of who He has made us as new creations in Him. We are awakened to a new and eternal reality of our lives hidden in Him forever. And that my friends is an awesome and beautiful thing! God bless you!