Three Thoughts on Cults
Two days ago, I came across a facebook friend’s Arabic post that led me to a website and then a YouTube channel of a “church” which I would later find out to be a Chinese cult.
What triggered my interest was what appeared to be Christian but was just not ‘feeling’ right. I ended up watching a 2 hour movie they had produced (among many) just to find out at the end that the persecuted cult in the story of the movie is actually them! Long story short, it turned out that it concerns the cult named “Eastern Lightning” or “the Church of Almighty God”, with 3 to 4 million members considered an evil cult by the government and accused of murder among other crimes. Every single post appears to be Christian, with pictures of Jesus, verses from the Bible and everything.
The video I was watching was one of a young man who would grow up to become an elder or a pastor but who always had unanswered questions regarding the Trinity or the Triune God, only to later repent of what he had believed and join this cult.
3 thoughts I believe are worthy to share and would love you guys to spread it around, as so many may not realize the importance of these things:
1- All cults have these 2 things in common which happen to be the most neglected doctrines or truths among Christians who actively serve God, and for which so many have fought, been persecuted, excommunicated and even martyred throughout Church history:
A- the Trinity
B- the divinity and humanity of Christ
2- People caught up in cults are prisoners who need our prayers and attention.
3- The preaching of the Gospel should return to the frontline of ministry. And I am not talking about just any sermon inspired from the Bible, but the preaching of the Good News regarding the incarnation, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus as the second Adam. I mean the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, which is the dynamis of God, which brings salvation to anyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)