Who We Are

The Lord renews our youth like with eagles. He satisfies our deepest desires and sustains us through the flight. We soar way above circumstances of life. We are more than overcomers. We have our eyes fixed on the Son. He is our eternal hope and anchor, our origin and destination. We are living between two heartbeats, trying to fulfill a purpose, trying to make it all count. Even if it seems insignificant, we send out shockwaves. Like Jonathan’s blow encouraged an army, we prophesy life and bring down gates of hell and expose the enemy... all for our King, in whose heart we reside, in whose palm we’re inscribed. We are sons of God. We are sojourners in this land. We are the catalyst in high demand. We are persecuted but never weary. We are despised and subject to fury, but we love our enemies. We love them with a passion. We were once like them but were ransomed to be a people of glory coming out of ashes. We are here for a short time and then we’re missed. We fulfill the desires of our Master’s heart and will be gone with the mist. We bless those who insist to deny the truth. We are living proof of the resurrected King, who defeated death’s sting and gave us a new song to sing... about the victory of Jesus.

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