Authority of Sons
We have received authority, power or dominion ('exousia' in greek), as children born of God (John 1:12-13). But authority is useless if we don’t put it to work. It starts with small things, personal things, things of the mind and the heart. Ruling and reigning begins with the Word of God. He creates something new and beautiful in the middle of the darkness of our hearts and minds. (Gen 1)
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)
We are co-heirs with Christ. He no longer calls us servants but friends. We are in this together and we walk on waters together. Just as He is so are we in the world (1 John 4:17).
Exercising our authority on earth implies spiritual warfare since the enemy of mankind Satan is still loose on the earth to deceive, steal, kill and destroy. And we, being a threat, are his number one target. Have no doubt about it. Satan was defeated on the cross and through the resurrection and ever since the grace of God has been spreading like wildfire, more than sin was ever since the fall. (Romans 5:17)
Exercising our authority on earth implies spiritual warfare since the enemy of mankind Satan is still loose on the earth to deceive, steal, kill and destroy. And we, being a threat, are his number one target. Have no doubt about it. Satan was defeated on the cross and through the resurrection and ever since the grace of God has been spreading like wildfire, more than sin was ever since the fall. (Romans 5:17)
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Although the language used in the above verse is one of violence, the aim-goal of our spiritual warfare is to become peacemakers. The imagery used in these verses by Paul is one of violence and war but the call of God is to adopt the mind of Christ, who although being God, humbled himself all the way down to the humiliation of death on the cross. We are called to be Christ-like. to have the mind of Christ. The strongholds of our minds shatter before such divine humility when we allow Him to wage that war as the slain lamb.
Everywhere we go, the Kingdom goes with us. We are carriers of His presence. So we need to keep our blades sharpened at all times. We cannot afford to let the atmosphere of this world where demons still run rampant, influence us. Whether it be in places of business or worship, we are to release the anointing upon people and places in that atmosphere. Jesus’ preaching made a demon inside a listener uncomfortable enough to speak up against Him. We alter atmospheres. We bring the Kingdom. We drive demons out!
The Father loved us so much that He adopted us in Christ, and called us sons. When we walk in that authority with the same power of love, nothing can stand in our way. We know what happened and keeps on happening to our alienated minds and emotions once we experienced that love and grace, and so we know what kind of power we carry and the victory that we hold in our hands. So we use it more daringly, with full authority and power to the works of the One who saved us and seated us with Him in glory.