Fake Revival

I saw a fake revival in my dream. It was more like a march or a procession. People were holding banners and signs and marching on the streets. I stopped one of them and asked him whether they are true Christians. He answered ‘of course’ and showed me the writing on the sign he was carrying. It was a religious saying in ancient Armenian. I don’t remember the phrase exactly but it was something in the lines of ‘we belong to the Lord’. I was still very suspicious and perplexed, as it did not speak to my heart. I woke up and prayed through the night.

We need real revival, friends; the type that falls from heaven, with healings, signs, and wonders. We need to see the power of God. We need it desperately. Join me in praying for revival to come to the multitudes. Let’s pray for visitations, miracles and the power of God to influence our earthly realm in miraculous ways. God starts revivals but man ends them. We need to repent and ask God to light the fire again...

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