Worship of the Triune God
Many mistakenly think that Father, Son, and Spirit are titles or roles of God.
God is three persons, one being.
This is fundamental Christianity, and it is VERY essential and important in our relationship with God and our understanding of who God is.
Although each person of the Trinity assumes a role in the plan of salvation, by no means does that mean that Father, Son, and Spirit are roles of God.
The equality, transparency, interdependence of the three persons of the Godhead make our God the God to be worshipped. In other words, His being of One God, three persons, each person totally God make Him a God worthy of our adoration and worship, before any role or act of His.
The perception of the one-person-god is from the devil, because it represents him and how he mistakenly thought that he could be god above the Triune God. That is the model after which every tyrant in history is formed, that is the image of the anti-Christ, who is defeated and condemned by the beautiful and unmatched obedience of the Son to the Father by the Spirit, in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God incarnate, who made a new and living way through the veil of his flesh on the cross and through the resurrection. In Him, God reconciled all things to Himself. It is a marvelous truth, that although being God and equal to the Father, The Son humbled himself to becoming a man and dying such a shameful death. He NEVER assumed equality with the Father a privilege, but always glorified the Father. And the Father NEVER assumed superiority over the Son. He gave Him ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth. And the Spirit NEVER exalted Himself but always revealed the glory of the Son and the Father.
Our God is to be worshipped for being who He is before being worshipped for what He’s done, although we’ve come to know Him through the mighty act of Salvation. But it wasn’t so in the beginning...