Lebanon Awakened
Satanists, Witchdoctors and sorcerers back up politicians so that they can have dominion over cities and areas. The Church is called to break their power by prophesying and declaring the Word of God.
What we are experiencing in Lebanon is a resentment of the sectarian regime. The people are fed up with the corruption and the deterioration of quality of life. People are hungry and hurt.
The Church is the only body that has the authority and insight from God to break the work of the enemy. The enemy, my friends, is not the state of Israel. The enemy is not the corrupt politicians or the international powers that back them. The real enemy behind it all is Satan who seeks to steal, kill and destroy.
Religion has lost relevance. Authority is all that matters now. The cross speaks of the ultimate authority given to men.
We call in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, hung on a cross, crucified in the hands of men in worldly authority, risen the third day to give righteous authority back to men.
We declare the power of the cross against the forces of the enemy of mankind. We claim Lebanon for Jesus, not for a religion or sect, but for Life, for everlasting, eternal Life.
The power of the blood of Jesus will resonate through the authority of sons of God, born not of flesh and blood, but of God, of the pure and perfect love of the Father, Son, and Spirit.
A spiritual revival will follow what is happening now. A spiritual revival will confirm the real nature of what was, was broken and what has come. People will see the glory of God manifested through sons of the King, who defeated the enemy and has established His rule and reign on earth.
A revival will follow. A spiritual awakening will follow. The enemy has been exposed. Now is the time to pray and declare the power of the cross over this nation.