Applied Authority

Authority starts with dominion over our own emotions, lusts, ambitions, anxieties, and fears, and ends with casting out demons, breaking curses, delivering people and nations.

Of course, we grow in our own personal dealings as we practice authority, but the key element remains the awareness that comes from the revelation of death being defeated. Everything from there onwards is an unpacking of this gift and applying it to many facets of life.

Taming a wild beast should not pose a threat to a man who knows the devil is defeated and has taken ownership of this victory given as a gift. Whether that be a literal beast or anger, fury or frustration boiling up from the inside, every Christian is called to exercise authority and bring all matters under submission to the will of God.

Now as we venture on this journey called Christian life, we do not try to find excuses why our authority ‘did not work’. We rather examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith and Christ’s presence truly is in us (2 Corinthians 13:5). As Jesus rebuked the disciples who had failed in casting out the demon, the real obstacle later surfaced. They were arguing about who is the greatest among them... (Matthew 17-18)

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