The Days to Come
As many are stuck in their homes because of the Coronavirus pandemic, wondering what will happen next, I believe God is reminding us that the solution or the power is within us. We hold the power of life in our hands by the blood of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, in a covenant that is forever, with access to the throne room of God, in a mystical but perfect union with God!
As Easter or Passover approaches, we are reminded of the sacrifice that God did to reclaim us, to redeem us, to do away with the separation between us which was there because of our sin. He gave His only begotten Son, to become a sin offering for us. To die our death, so that we may live through Him. He conquered death for us and gave us that victory to run with it and gather multitudes from all nations by the preaching of this powerful message of the gospel.
It is for the Church to be ready for the days to come. I do not imply to be ready in a defensive way, but a creative way, in a role of leadership, of innovation, of hope-inspiring, encouraging and empowering way. I believe God is turning this evil to be used for our good, so that we may have the opportunity to behold Him and realize who He is in all His splendor, to realize what we’ve missed, and repent.
He doesn’t change. We do. He remains faithful. We walk away. His covenant is forever. We sometimes need to rededicate our lives to the One who first dedicated His life to us once and for all. We need to realize that we need Him. We need to repent and turn our attention to Him.
Jesus said: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." (Matthew 5:13)
I, personally, have not been in a situation of a lockdown or did not stop my very busy routine because of this situation, due to my work situation, at least not yet... But for the past 4 years, I have had my life somewhat drastically interrupted, and I know what it feels like. I know the hype, the confusion and the fear that comes with it. Although life can be challenging and hard, one thing that we gain once it is over is the trust we end up building, the reliance on God and His Word. That's why we turn to Him in these times in self-examination and repentance. We believe a new start is ahead of us. We believe we have all that we need. We have all the provision of Heaven. We have Jesus, and He is more than enough for us; not just to survive but to conquer.
While many are predicting doomsday, sowing fear and panic, the Apostle Paul is clear in his letters: he says we are crucified with Him and the life we live, we live for Him (Galatians 2:20). So why panic? We're already dead. Our lives are already hidden in Him in Heaven (Colossians 3:3). What truly matters is what do we do with what we have now to bring Him glory on earth, because His love compels us to act this way (2 Corinthians 5:14). Our faith and actions may be interpreted as foolishness by the world, but we know full well that it is the very same power that took Him to the cross, to hades and back from the dead that's at work in us (1 Corinthians 1:18).
Therefore, we repent of our sins, of our indifference, of our confusion and lack of faith. In these times, we decide to renew our strength in Him, so that we can soar like eagles when this is over. In these times, we spend time in His presence, confessing our sins and rediscovering the treasure that we have in Him. When this is over, we're coming out with a new perspective, with renewed minds, to usher in the presence of God wherever we go. These are exciting times. These are times of faith and not of fear. These are times of victory and not of defeat.
God bless you!