"Why this Waste?"

Why this waste? For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor.” (Matthew 26:9)

The greatest gift we can receive is the love of Christ. If we lose our love for Him, we lose everything. I am talking about the extravagant, selfless, wasted love for Christ. How precious that is... The Apostle told Him "show us the Father". Moses said, "Show me your glory". Joshua remained in the tent and couldn't leave after witnessing a glimpse of the hope of this glory. And then there's the woman who poured the precious ointment on Jesus' feet and washed them with her hair. 

How do we love Him? How do we pour out our love before His feet? How do we worship Him?

To the extent we pursue Him, we will know Him. To the extent He makes Himself known to us, we will collapse before His feet in adoration. According to Scripture, He has made Himself known to us in the most intimate way possible. He sacrificed His only begotten Son, for the salvation of the world.

Before the poor, before good deeds, before righteousness, before good stewardship, comes extravagant and "wasted" devotion and adoration. To lose this treasure is graver than losing any other thing in this life. This treasure is what the devil is after. This treasure is so hard to keep. This treasure is the Word of God. This treasure is a person, the beloved of the Father, His most precious given to us men to adore and worship.

"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." (Psalm 119:72)

As we keep our focus on Him and lose the weight of reality and pressures of life, let us not allow calculations and scales to come in between us and the darling of Heaven crucified for us... We are found in Him and He in us through this sacred love and devotion. Unless we see Him in all His beauty, we will not repent of our selfish ways. We will have no reason to repent, having seen no value in Him. Let us preach the Gospel in a way worthy of His worth, in a way that portrays Him in all His beauty and glory, as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. And we will act accordingly and "wastefully". God bless you.

"Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.” (Matthew 26:13)

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