The Power of the Word
"When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes." (2 Kings 22:11)
King Josiah thought he's doing God a favor by doing some repair work for the temple. The high priest found the Book of the Law and gave it to a scribe, who read it for the first time! And when reporting to the king regarding the stewardship of the repair works, mentioned the found book and read it. It led to the King realizing that it is he and his nation who are in ruins, and led to his repentance, as he asked the priest and the scribe to enquire the Lord regarding what they should do.
We declare a revival in the world by the revelation of the power of the Word of God. The Word who became flesh and revealed Himself not just by words but by mighty acts, who was crucified so that He can defeat death itself, who rose from the dead and ascended to the right side of the Father, thus glorifying humanity in this salvific act.
We declare an awakening springing from this most blessed revelation of the Son manifested in the flesh, who fought our war, won it on our behalf and gave us the victory!
We declare the righteousness that comes from the act of one man to spread faster than any plague, virus or disease. We, the Church, declare this in boldness and faith. (Roman 5:17)
We declare the Truth concerning Heaven regarding Earth, settled and sealed in all eternity in the very being of the Creator, in the flesh and wounds of the beloved Son, interceding for us all right now. Let Your Kingdom come, Lord, right now!
"When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)